January 1, 2010


76* and sunny

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!!!!!!  : – )

A norther is supposed to be coming thru this evening so we made the best of the sun early afternoon with a long walk on the most gorgeous beach and then lunch at the Coco Beach Bar.  Delish burgers and grouper.  Everyone but John and Roberta headed back to their respective boats.  J & B hung with us on Sea Fox for a bit longer and then the wind started to pick up and they departed also.  Finally the internet was working and I was able to email/Skype and was satisfied.  I made the dough for pasta for John’s extravaganza birthday party tomorrow evening.  Otherwise, it was a quiet, well spent evening relaxing in front of the boob tube for a while before heading to bed.  I am tired!  Love to all.

January 2, 2010


69* sunny and a bit breezy

Happy Birthday John!!  Happy Birthday Rrea!!

We were up early this morning debating on whether to leave the marina and head out to the harbor with everyone else.  It is a toss up.  We will cruise the harbor to see if there is room for Sea Fox among the many other boats that are there and then a decision will be made.  Last night’s cold front proved to be pretty much nothing but a bit of rain and winds only to about 20 mph….quite doable.  The next few days promise the same…clouds, cool and winds only about 20 mph.  So, John came by to scoop us up and survey the harbor, and there is room for us out there so we packed up and left with only one issue of stalling engines.  Turns out Barry was doing some fuel polishing this morning and forgot to switch back over to feeding the engines fuel!  Wow…that was a bit of an issue, but

thankfully John and Roberta were watching and came to our rescue!  After getting safely to a T dock Barry resolved the issue and we were off and running.  We settled in like old times.  It is certainly beautiful out here.  We celebrated John’s birthday with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes, stuffed mushrooms and a salad, along with homemade pasta and chicken parm with Cheryl’s homemade bread.  There was not a crumb left!  Onto chocolate cream pie and blueberry cake made by Cheryl.  It was a feast!  John received Hangover from Roberta so we all settled down in front of the TV for a lot of laughs.

January 3, 2010


Chilly, chilly! 64*

Happy Birthday Cooper!!

I awoke feeling like I was near death’s door!  Even my eyelids hurt.  I suppose a bit of the flu.  Barry installed XM radio and I settled in on the couch sleeping most of the day.  Cannot remember the last time I felt this sick.  But the XM is fabulous!!!

January 4, 2010


59* at 8 am

I feel much better today, thankfully!  Getting back to normal very quickly.  Chores on the agenda today….rebuilding the pumps for the watermaker.  Getting 8 gallons per minute is not acceptable.  I continued to lay low and recouperate.  After many grueling hours and plumbing pipes bursting in Barry’s face the watermaker is giving us an average of 15-16 gallons per minute…the expected “norm.”  One more task down with many more to go, but we are getting there.  The temp did climb up to 70*, but it still felt down-right chilly to me. Dinner on Freedom was attended by all, except me to reduce the spread of germs.  John brought a container of Matzo Ball soup to the isolation boat.  It was soooo good and hit the spot.  Playing polka after dinner relieved Barry of much of his change…hence, he lost but said it was good fun in spite of the loss, and dinner as usual was wonderful.

January 5, 2010


57* at 8 am

Freedom, Blue Blaze and Cloud Messenger chose to leave today to head to Marsh Harbour as there was a good weather window.  We must remain until the autopilot arrives and then we can scoot on out of Treasure Cay.  Most of our day was spent on more repairs and relaxing a bit.  Wonderful day!

January 6, 2010


77* around noon and sunny

Fuel: 196 gallons at $4.15 per/gal

What a magnificent day!  The harbor is calm and the sun is streaming in.  We headed out to the marina to take advantage of the great dry ride in and tended to laundry and did a market run.  When we returned to the boat we found Larry waiting for us!  Thought he was long gone, but I guess not.  Of course, I proceeded to kill a few flies for lunch for him, but the chilly weather has put him in hibernation mode and he scooted away somewhere within the boat and we have not seen him again.  We headed over and to the fuel dock and topped of so we can just make a run for it over to Marsh once we receive the autopilot.  Bad weather, being another cold front, is suppose to come thru on Saturday and Sunday and I am hoping to be in Marsh by then and perhaps tucked away in a marina with our friends.  Truly a beautiful day!

January 8, 2010


75* with total sunshine

I awakened this morning to a totally flat, calm harbor.  Not a ripple could be found and the bottom was clearly visible.  It was amazing as we have not had such calm weather in over a week.  The calm before the storm for sure!  We were delighted to find that the head pump totally ceased this morning!  No more flushing for us!!  I feel like we are being punished for some reason.  Five and ½ hours later MacGyver had cleaned and rebuilt the pump so it is now in working order again but he will purchase another and have it shipped here just in case it decides to die again. One of the joys of boat ownership for sure.  We also found that the autopilot will arrive late today but also too late for us to

head over to Marsh Harbour.  We are here thru the weekend, at least, and after listening to the Cruiser’s Net this morning the cold front promises quite a bit of action.  Hooray, hooray!  I can only hope the head pump holds out!  As this wonderful day continued to unfold we found that Treasure Cay has now put a lock on the internet to intercept poachers who hang around the bar sucking up the net for free.  It was promised months ago and has now arrived.  A code must be purchased from the marina office for use.  This is a good thing that will free up the net for those who do pay.  We headed to the office around 3:30 to pick up a code and hopefully the autopilot that had an ETA of 4:30.  We paid for a code and, to make a long story short, no autopilot.  We contacted Fed Ex in Marsh Harbour where the autopilot sits and was advised a duty of 45% was due!  And the beat goes on!  A couple of months ago the duty fee for boat parts was removed by the government, however one must provide a copy of their “cruising docs” for this to happen.  Gee…would have been nice if the article in the Abaconian mentioned that!  Bottom line, even though this was a repair and not a purchase we will be bled that 45% on a $500 repair as no docs were attached to the shipment.  How nice!  And more blood letting will continue when the new head pump arrives as the company Barry purchased it from was extremely efficient in sending it out in today’s mail…of course, without a copy of the cruising docs. An effort was made by Barry to stop the shipment, but since it was after 5 PM that may not be a happening. We could file a request for refund of the duty, but a snicker from the Fed Ex guy we spoke with confirmed we had a better chance of burning in hell than getting that money back.  On the other hand, Barry is thrilled that Fed Ex will deliver the autopilot tomorrow morning even though it is not a working day for them…we are grateful to you, Alvin Stubbs, for going above and beyond the call of duty and making this painfully enlightening and very expensive day a bit brighter. 

January 9, 2010


60* at 7 AM


I can only hope, for everyone’s sake, that my whining will not continue today!  We awoke to another beautiful, flat, calm day.  I am wishing Alvin will get here as promised (mid morning) with the autopilot and the wind will not pick up until later in the day so we can head to Marsh.  I think I need a change of pace, and perhaps the diversion of our friends, to change my bitter attitude toward the Bahamian government that, in my opinion, should be gracing us rather than raking us over the coals since tourism is their main income.  A letter, via the editor of the Abaconian, to the Prime Minister is brewing in my

brain.  As the day progressed…no Alvin and not even a phone call as to why.  I guess I should not be surprised but his not showing with the autopilot was a real disappointment.  The cold front did not prove as detrimental as promised.  Winds only rose to 21 mph and we accumulated ½ inch of rain.  Not so bad.  The internet continues to give us grief and the code we received from the marina, and paid $10, lasted an entire 2 hours before telling us the code was invalid.  We spent the day reading (our new Kindle is fab!), cooking and just relaxing.  The time passed very quickly.  During the evening hours of watching TV we found that the water pump called it quits.  How nice.  Barry does have duplicates of everything and tomorrow will be designated “water pump repair day.”   The beat goes on.  Love to all.

January 10, 2010


61* and 7 mph winds

A mix of sun and clouds

The sun is trying to break through the clouds.  The harbor is pretty calm considering we are supposed to be in the middle of a cold front.  It seems the weather passed through much more quickly and not as violent as expected.  The water pump has also given us a reprieve and is running again.  Barry will wait for it to act up again as one needs to be a contortionist to get to it for repair or replacement.  He has suffered enough for a while working on the head pump and deserves a break from MacGyver issues.  Still, no internet connection and that is certainly disheartening.  A call to the marina will be a quick fix for that issue.  Certainly we are here for a least one more day as it is Sunday and the autopilot will definitely not be delivered today.  All in all things are still great and being in 60* weather beats the 20’s up north.  At noon I called Cliff at the marina office who offered up another code so we can now successfully connect to the internet for another day.  I suppose it will be another day of R&R as heading out and getting wet does not sound like a comforting thought.  No problemo…right now all is well. 


January 11, 2010


1468 engine hours

Marsh Harbour at day’s end

60* and chilly

What a freaking day!  We were up at 9:00 to answer a call from Alvin Stubbs from Fed Ex.  We started out to pick up the autopilot when just 50 feet from the boat the dinghy motor died.  Barry broke out the oars and paddled to the marina…augh!  Fine….we made it to shore.  On the way back the paddle of one of the oars fell off the oar…what the frig next!  So much for the oar floating as it sunk like a lead weight.  A kindly man from another boat rescued us and towed us back to Sea Fox.  Turns out a connection to the spark plug disengaged and Barry was able to repair the dinghy motor.  Back to recover the oar with the fishing net..successfully.  While we were at the marina we faxed a copy of the cruising permit to UPS per their request so we would not have to pay duty on the head pump part.  After much whining on my part…sorry!….we headed out to Marsh Harbour at 2:30.  It was a very nice cruise over.  I just had to get away from Treasure Cay. I needed a new view, a change of pace, or whatever.  This was the day from hell!  We hooked up with our friends who are staying at Marsh Harbour Marina but declined an invitation to dinner…we need to chill for the night!  As it turned out the repair of the autopilot was unsuccessful.  Barry thinks it is the main computer and we will, hopefully, conquer that tomorrow.  $750 later it is still not working….ask me if we are having fun…the answer would be…NOT!!  Love to all.

January 12, 2010


Warm and sunny 72*

Oh, what a beautiful day!  The sun is out and all is good…not!  The computer which is the brain of the autopilot has been declared dead, dead, dead.  So Barry crawled under the helm and disconnected the unit.  It was a gorgeous day to dinghy over to town and mail it off to the manufacturer.  We stopped at the market and scooped up a few items and then over to Skagg Market…a new place for us.  They had the most wonderful assortment of fish.  It was frozen but none the less a sight for sorry eyes.  We picked up Tilapia and

Tuna…two fishes we have not seen in a very long time.  Yum, Yum!!!  We will head into the marina tomorrow to make our presence known as they are receiving a part (head pump) for us.  On Thursday we have plans to head to Hope Town and hook up with our friends once again.  A big blow is expected for the weekend, and Hope Town is a very great place to be stuck for such a time.

January 13, 2010


Upper 60’s and sunny

Today we headed to customs to make a plea for a refund on the duty paid for the autopilot.  Barry was in with the head customs officer for so long that I almost sent dogs in to look for him.  Most of the time spent with the officer was him trying to talk Barry out of an appeal.   All BS of course, but Barry will follow his recommendations on writing a letter, getting docs from Fed Ex, etc. and send a request for a refund.  This is so not right!  UPS was kind enough to call regarding the head pump part and they actually asked for a copy of our cruising docs, and that is what Fed Ex should have done also.  So much for bureaucracy in a third world country.  We plow ahead!  We ended up staying out in the harbor today as we will move on to Hope Town tomorrow.  We went into Marsh Harbour Marina and they will kindly hold the head pump part until our return next week.  While we were there we had a great lunch at the Jib Room and then I ventured back afterwards to do the endless chore of laundry!  Love to all!

January 14, 2010


Warm and sunny…upper 60’s

1469 engine hours at day’s end

At noon we headed out to Hope Town on flat, calm seas.  It started out as a beautiful ride until half way there when the port engine died.  WTF!  Someone/something does not want us to be cruising in the Bahamas.  We limped along on one engine and ended our journey at 2 PM.  The dock master, Ainsley, from Hope Town Marina was kind enough to meet us at the mooring ball and assisted with our hook up.  Barry is thinking a fuel filter or solenoid may be the culprit and he will further investigate tomorrow.  We were in touch with our friends and they will join us here tomorrow morning.  As usual John offered his services and for that we are very grateful.  Hopefully it will be a quick fix.

We were also alerted to the fact that Laura caught a huge grouper and they would all be feasting on that baby for dinner…now that is a good thing.  It must have been a great catch as we overheard another boat in their area commenting on what a great score she made.  Good for you Laura!  Can only hope more of the same luck is in the near future.  I cannot wait to head to town tomorrow and peruse the island once again.  Hope Town is such a beautiful place.  Love to all….night for now!

January 15, 2010


72* and sunny

Barry and I got up and started in on the engine.  Changing the fuel filters, although a good thing, did not remedy the problem.  John headed over and in very little time he and Barry solved the problem.  Definitely a dead solenoid and once that was changed the engine purred!  What a wonderful sound.  After a bit of R & R Barry and I headed over to the market to pick up a couple of extra items for our appetizer.  A short walk to Harbor’s Edge restaurant and Barry was sucked in by his empty belly (again!) and we enjoyed a couple of apps and a drink on their beautiful deck overlooking the harbor.  Then on to Capn’ Jacks with everyone for martini happy hour.  Much fun in a great little bar, only to be followed by yet another wonderful dinner of spring rolls and salad provided by our cruising buddies.  What a great, healthy dinner minus the appetizer of buffalo chicken dip.  Very decadent but oh so delish!   I love these guys!  We always have such a wonderful time together. 

January 16, 2010


74* and sunny again!

What a gorgeous morning.  The guys headed out to fish and the girls were off for a walk….a very, very long walk.  I wish I had the pedometer!  I thought Roberta and Laura were out to kill me on my, almost, first day of some exercise. Cheryl and I shared the same thoughts. Ali hung in there until almost the end and then sat and waiting to be carried the remaining way…he is so cute!  I am guessing a good 5 miles or so. Laura begs to differ suggesting 2 or 3 miles.  The pedometer comes with us next time!  Roberta wanted ice cream at the Sugar Shack which is a pretty good hike from town.  When we finally arrived it was closed!!!  And, she finally fessed up that she remembered reading

somewhere a day or two ago that it would be closed Friday and Saturday of this week.  AUGH!  All that way and no freaking ice cream.  Thankfully, we came upon a local who directed us to a short cut back to town….much better and we certainly realized how far out of the way we had gone getting there.  I must admit the exercise is very much needed!  We headed to Harbour’s Edge for lunch and a quick break.  Food was wonderful, as always.  David came over to scoop up Ali (not Ollie as we had thought) and he dropped me off at Sea Fox to make the pasta dough and get the lobsters ready for tonight’s dinner.  The girls continued to roam and shop.  The guys were very successful in the fishing trip.  Four lobsters and two conch.  Jason also managed to kill 15 loinfish, but they were too small to take and eat.  Still, 15 down and many more to go of the nasty ones that kill off all other reef fish.  Go Jason!!  The crowd started piling in at 4:30 to watch the football game.  Laura showed up with fried lobster bites from Jason’s catch and one huge tail to add to the bruschetta she made as yet another wonderful app topped on toasted baguette.  The baguette was found at Vernon’s Market, a very hard find in the Bahamas.  It is a lobster fest!!!  The girls and I formed a team and put together the lobster and goat cheese ravs.  They were cooked up and served with a brown butter sauce, and yet more lobster as a topping.  We are soooo good!  Cheryl’s butter/garlic green beans cannot be forgotten…they were great also.  In the end there was not a crumb of anything left, and pretty much the norm.  Ahhhh….another wonderful day in paradise!  Love to all!

January 17, 2010


78* at 10 AM

Another magnificent day.  The sun is shinning, the wind is blowing about 13 mph but from the south creating a wonderful breeze, and only wispy clouds in the sky!  The girls walked without me…not surprising after yesterday, but that was fine.  The day off gave my feet a much needed reprieve.  Around 1 PM we all headed over to Harbour’s Edge as the game was on and the heart’s desire of most everyone.  Tonight was Mexican and again so very good with contributions from all.  We sadly said our goodbyes to David, Cheryl and Ali as they will be heading for Eleuthra and starting their trek tomorrow.  It was so wonderful to have them as part of our crowd for a while and we all wish them well!

January 18, 2010


73* and a bit cloudy

Well, as promised the cold front is passing through, but still cannot complain.  It still turned out to be a wonderful day.  Early afternoon we headed to Capn’ Jack’s for lunch with John and Roberta then off to Vernon’s and Harbour View markets to reprovision the boat.  At 5:30 we headed back to Capn’ Jack’s for happy hour and bingo, aka JACKS.  The place was packed!  Bingo is, evidently, a very popular Monday night activity.  Four games were played ($2 per card) with the pot being $250…and I won the second game forming an “H” on one of my cards!  It was quite the thrill…as I never win anything!  Afterwards we hung out on Freedom for a while and devoured a wonderful wheel of smoked Gouda cheese.  Roberta has such wonderful items lurking in her fridge!  Back to our respective boats and a good night’s rest to travel tomorrow.

January 19, 2010


75* Sunny

Water temp 73*

Engine hours 1470

Snake Cay

It was a most magnificent day for our cruise over to Snake Cay.  The water is so crystal clear we could see the sea life along the bottom as we moved along.  Sea Fox is running great!  Within an hour we made it to our destination just a bit south of Hope Town and Barry prepared a delicious lunch.  We are the only ones anchored in this little cove and the scenery is delightful.  Blue Blaze and Freedom joined us shortly after and we all headed out for a bit of exploration and snorkeling.  Everyone (excluding me…I drove the dinghy) got in the water and almost immediately Jason snagged a lionfish worthy of eating!  Such a fisherman!  Prior to this the girls were busy on their boats preparing the most delectable birthday dinner for me.  Rack of Lamb, Rice, and Greek Salad!  It was magnificent and then topped off with a chocolate fondue with home made pound cake prepared by Laura.  What a wonderful feast.  I was also given a beautiful necklace that will always remind me of this most magnificent day, along with a handmade card by Roberta that is very beautiful…kudos to all and thank you so very much.  Love to all!

January 20, 2010


75* Sunny

More dingy adventures today.  Just as yesterday lots of sea life gave us great pleasure.  Many rays, turtles and other small fish swimming about.  After cruising around the island a bit we stopped and anchored to enjoy our picnic lunch.  Then off again for more exploration.  Barry and I cruised along the shoreline and stopped off on a couple of beaches where I snagged a beautiful sand dollar.  More exciting was the message in a bottle that Barry found…who woulda thunk it!  Five years ago 2 Bulgarian children dropped a bottle in the Atlantic and he found it!  Barry suggested making a collage with pics of the note, bottle, our boat and pictures…and we will sent it to them.  They are now 17 years old and it will be quite a great thing for them to know someone actually found their letter. Jason scored 10 lionfish today and are promised as an appetizer tomorrow evening.  Later we enjoyed appetizers and cocktails on Bravo.  We were pleasantly surprised when a ray, about 4 feet across, leaped out of the water 3 times.  It was quite the sight to behold….magnificent!

January 21, 2010


75* Sunny

1471 Engine hours

Marsh Harbour

Everyone was up and ready to head back to MH by 10:30.  An intended rubble fire on the island drove us away from Snake Cay.  The smoke was thick and black and we heard on the Cruiser’s Net it could be seen as far away as Marsh Harbour.  We anchored and settled in.  Laundry and the market were 2 necessities today and that pretty much ate up the entire day.  Dinner and a bit of TV for all and then bedtime!  Love to all!

January 22, 2010


75* and Sun and clouds

The cold front is screaming in with gusts of up to 27 mph.  We are all hunkered down in our respective boats….reading, email and such.  Still a very good day in the Abacos!

January 23, 2010


75* and Sunny

Oh my…we had way too much fun tonight!  But let me say first that the dinghy engine died once again on our way to town.  This time water in the carburetor, but Barry and John worked on it and got it running once again.  So thankful they know how to fix everything!  After dinner things got a bit crazy!  We played Thumper….a drinking game!  Roberta and Jason bowed out and now I know why…very dangerous! Doing shots of wine was probably not wise.  John tied one on doing rum shots and decided to head out for brownie sundaes…not a happening anywhere at 10 PM, but Snappa’s, he found, had a great band so we headed there for dancing….so much fun, but a very, very late evening.  Sunday will be a day to recoup for sure.

January 24, 2010


75* and breezy

I suppose the front is starting to come thru as the wind picked up considerably.  Yet, that did not stop us girls from another walk.  We walked from The Jib Room to Price Right market…a good 5 miles to and back. Although my body said thank you, my feet cannot take this…too much all at once with the heel spurs I am still suffering from.  I need to ease into these walks a bit more slowly.  However, I am glad I pushed myself to do it.  It was a gorgeous day. While I walked Barry replaced the head pump and all is well again and there should be no more issues with that. We enjoyed watching the playoffs and great food on Blue Blaze for the afternoon….always fun to be all together.

January 25, 2010



A good chop on the harbor

Today will be an off day for exercise and my feet say thank you.  There was so much chop in the harbor Roberta threatened not to leave her boat, but evidently her thoughts were swayed by John and everyone headed over to Sea Fox for yet another get together.  Laura is missing Jason already as he returned to Florida for a couple of weeks this morning to tend to his job as marine biologist with a couple of jobs on the agenda in West Palm Beach and then Miami…go Jason…you are great at what you do and we love having your knowledge aboard!  We snuggled in with Julie and Julia….a great movie….and a wonderful fish chowder for dinner!  All is good!

January 26, 2010


68* at 9 AM

The wind died down, but it has also cooled off considerably and will remain the same for the next couple of days.  Today is a day to re-provision.  We plan to head out to Man-O-War Cay for a couple of days tomorrow as it promises to be a good day to travel.  Looking forward to exploring again, and Man-O-War is a great place to do so. Lunch at Jaime’s. shopping and a bit of R & R before a wonderful steak and salad dinner. American Idol topped off the night with wonderful friends.  Ahhhhhh~!

January 27, 2010


Warm and sunny!

1472 Engine hours

Man-O-War Cay

I love this place!  Quaint can only describe this place.  All the homes are superbly maintained and their gardens are loaded with so many different species of flora.  Our best find this time here was poinsettia bushes.  Magnificent plants loaded with beautiful red flowers.  I have never seen poinsettias this big, some boasting heights of 6 feet or more.  There are about 300 permanent residents and many more foreigners who own homes here.  It is always a pleasure to visit this island.  This time we had the opportunity to also have lunch at Dock and Dine.  The food was well worth the trip and the portions so large we split meals…suggested by the waitress.  After lunch was a long walk to explore and see the island’s beauty….what a day.  Tonight’s dinner was also wonderful…homemade ravioli, meatballs and sausage!  Prior to dinner were apps…Roberta’s wonderful conch salad and chicken liver pate…oh my, what a feast!

January 28, 2010


71* and Sunny

Another gorgeous day.  Roberta and Laura headed to town for another long walk.  It was my day off to abide by a request from my feet.  I have decided every other day of a 5 mile walk is best.  When they were done we all met at Dock and Dine again.  Another delish lunch and then off for a cruise in the dinghies to possibly hook some fish…but it was a no go today.  Dinner on Freedom tonight was wonderful grilled chicken and salad, and then we are headed back to Marsh Harbour tomorrow to tuck in for another expected cold front and a bit of nasty weather…gotta love this life…we certainly do!  Love to all.

January 29, 2010


71* and Sunny

1473 Engine hours

MOW back to Marsh Harbour

Oh…just another wonderful day in the neighborhood.  This morning we hopped in the dinghies and off to snorkel and hopefully score fish or lobster.  John managed to snag 3 fish…kudos to John!  No lobsters were to be had.  Since it is so beautiful here we decided to hang out a bit longer to make water and charge the batteries.  This area is much better for making water, as it is crystal clear unlike Marsh.  By 3:00 Barry was ready to hit to road and it was a nice cruise back to Marsh.  Freedom caught up to us a couple of hours later and bowed out of dinner.  It was a tiring day for all so Barry and I hung out and became couch potatoes for the evening…very nice!

January 30, 2010


70* Partly cloudy

As promised the cold front is moving in and evidenced by the cloudy skies.  That did not deter us from heading to town to the “Art in the Park” festival at Abaco Resort.  There was a wonderful display of local talents in the form of paintings, needlework and crafts.  Barry bought a book from a local writer, Cal Byers, called Last Breath.  Back at Sea Fox I jumped into this book and was very much entertained by this far fetched tale.  He mentions many areas of the Bahamas that we have come to know so well by now.  It is quite the story that I was unable to put down until 4 hours later when it was necessary to start dinner.  Laura had bought Ahi tuna from Carmine’s (a wonderful Italian deli) in Lake Worth, FL, had it vacuum packed and frozen.  She brought this wonderful offering for dinner and Barry gladly packed the fillets with sesame seeds and seared them off.  Oh, wow!  What a treat it was along with Roberta’s Asian noodles.  That along with a few other sides and we were stuffed.  I must say we do not lack in the food/cooking department!  We will never starve.  We thought we would head over to Snappa’s for a bit of dancing, but with Laura driving Freedom’s dinghy we took a detour to visit Off The Hook…another cruising couple.  We then headed to Snappa’s only to find Barry and John not there.  They were suppose to meet us their in the Sea Fox dinghy.  Alas, the dinghy has died once again.  We found them back at Sea Fox.  Hopefully, the dinghy dilemma will be solved tomorrow.  Love to all!

January 31, 2010


68* and Rain The promised miserable day has arrived.  We awoke to rain and dampness.  It was a great excuse to snuggle up on the couch and finish my book, as I did.  Gotta hand it to this author, Cal Byers.  He has one fantastic imagination, and this very unbelievable story kept my attention to the very end!  As of 2:00 the dinghy dilemma remains a mystery.  I cannot believe all the trouble we have been having over the past week, especially since none of the issues have repeated themselves.  It is always something different

Categories: Ship's Log


Paula and I moved from New England in 2008 and are now retired and living in Florida. After selling my business in 2007, Paula and I lived on my 40 foot motor yacht, Sea Fox, full time for 9 years including 2 years in the Bahamas. Panda, my parrot for 45 years. has been with us the whole time with the exception of the Bahamas. I sold the boat in 2019 and we plan to tour the USA in a 35' class A motor home we call Sandy. We are flat towing a Honda CRV.