November 13, 2010



75-85 on the bridge

Water temp 54

1714 Engine hours

Calvert Marina Fuel

127 gal/2.77 $355

Solomon, MD to Deltaville, VA

Where to begin….we got up late, the computer gave Barry a rash of shit about booting up and we were off at 8 AM.  Our first stop for fuel…no diesel so we moved on to Calvert Marina where the diesel pump hose was not working.  Finally they conceded and moved us to a hose reserved for charter boats…then added the tax on.  $355 and 1 ½ hours later we headed south.  To make up for lost time Barry decided to put the pedal to the metal and go fast for a while….not!  Sea Fox was unwilling to go any faster than 9 kts.  Was someone trying to tell us something???  Unbelievable!  The boat was so stressed that we used as much fuel as though we had been traveling at 16 kts.  What a freaking day. Panda, on the other hand, was happy, happy…singing her pretty girl song most of the way.  Even with all our issues, the Bay is pretty calm, it is a sunny day and there are many other boaters out fishing…and not catching anything.  We listened to them complain all day long on the VHF. When all was said and done we did finally find a diver to check the props in Deltaville.  Suspect from the beginning!  On the brighter side, Deltaville and Jackson Creek, where we docked for the evening is beautiful. We tied to the town dock, free for the evening, played a round of Upwords, viewed a gorgeous sunset and settled in for the night.  Panda greeted the town with her WTF chant…how nice.  I am considering a muzzle for the bird. Paul, the diver, will be here first thing in the morning to check us out and hopefully have a quick inexpensive solution to our problem.

November 14, 2010


54* and sunny

63* on the bridge

1721 engine hours

Water temp 63*

Deltaville, VA to Portsmouth, VA

Paul (fire fighter, crabber, boat bottom cleaner…a catch!) arrived at 6:45 AM donned in his wet suit.  After a quick jump into the water he advised we had barnacles on the props the size of half dollars!  After a cleaning and $150 we were all set.  The $150 was well worth his time and effort.  Sea Fox floated along the Bay effortlessly and we are back to being happy campers.  Our cruise today was uneventful and magnificent. Lots of cruisers out today…it is a gorgeous day. Calm seas and no wind with following seas.  The current moved us along and our 6 kt travel was pushed to 9 kts.  We approached Norfolk/Portsmouth by 12:30 so since we were so ahead of schedule we continued on and docked on yet another free dock for the evening…not much to see as we are at a yacht storage yard (Chesapeake Boat Yard), but still a nice walk around the area to stretch our legs once Barry fixed the satellite dish…yep…another issue…there is always an issue.  Of course, he prevailed and we have TV for the evening once again.  It was very warm…73* and the sun was beaming from the sky…how nice.

November 15, 2010


53* and sunny

63* and cool on the bridge

1731 engine hours

167 gal./$2.93


Midway Marina Fuel

Portsmouth, VA to Alligator River, NC

It was a very long run today…almost 10 hours and 83 miles.  The seas and wind were very cooperative.  We started out in the morning with 11 other boats all heading south.  A few delays here and there getting through bridges and one lock did not deter our travels.  The only hairy part of today’s travels was the zig zag in Alligator River with shoaling but we made it through just fine. We anchored just north of the Alligator River Bridge and settled in for the evening.  Very tired today and very early to bed to gear up for tomorrow…another long day.

November 16, 2010


60* and cloudy

1738 engine hours

Alligator River, NC to RE Mayo Dock, NC

There was a beautiful sunrise over the trees this morning…great way to start the day.  Today…another 80 mile journey started at 6:45 with hopes to get to our destination by 3 PM. Stormy weather will be coming and we will probably be stuck at RE Mayo Shrimp Dock tonight and through tomorrow.  Winds are promised at up to 20 mph and rain, so there will be no traveling for us on Wednesday.  Only hope we have the internet and phone service so we can catch up on email and phone calls.  Being in bumf*ck, NC it is not looking good.  We shall see.  This part of NC is so boring.  The canal between Alligator River and the Pungo River is 25 miles of nothing.  Finally 3 hours later we did get through it and are headed for the dreaded shrimp dock…talk about no man’s land.  Our only consolation to being there is power, and even though it is only 15 amps it is something…and land so we can get out and walk around.  It will be nice to get further south and to the southern part of NC.  At 3:30 we tied up in the rain…yuck!  We did manage to buy shrimp at $4/lb and had a wonderful dinner of scampi over linguine. No internet/cell service! Early to bed!

November 17, 2010


60’s and a pretty nice day

1747 engine hours

Fuel: 121 gal/$2.83 gal


Dock fees: $30 per night, inc. electricity

Mayo Dock to Swansboro, NC

The weather took a turn for the better…it rain all night and the front passed.  We were up and off again by 7 AM.  Turned out to be a gorgeous day and the only rough seas we encountered were in the Neuse River with 2-4 ft. waves crashing our starboard side for a short while.  Otherwise…the sun..she is a shinning and the temp is a pleasant 65*.  Our next stop is Dudley’s Marina in Swansboro, NC.  Great spot!  Cheap slip fees and a courtesy car.  Definitely need to replenish the fridge.  We had our first dolphin sightings today…many of them along Adams River…Yeah!  We pulled into Dudley’s at 3:00 and managed some computer time and a luscious dinner of veal parm with pasta.  Much to do tomorrow…night all.

November 18, 2010


Upper 60’s, gorgeous

Sea Fox was bathed in and out, laundry done and we headed to the market to replenish the fridge.  The courtesy van is a piece of work and always had  issues when we have used it.  Today was no different.  The front brake had locked and we could barely get to 24 mph.  A little tweaking by Barry released it and we completed our venture…lots of goodies at Lowe’s Supermarket and the fridge is full to the brim.  Wonderful dinner followed at Duck’s Grille and Bar…no cooking…no clean up!  Wonderful day.

November 19, 2010


Engine hours 1754

Gorgeous day in the 60’s

Marina fees $30 inclusive

Swansboro to Carolina State Park

Up and off at 7 AM again.  Some bridges, but the captain got us to them and through right at the openings.  The ICW was flat calm and no wind. More dolphins, pelicans and egrets…we are definitely south!  What a day.  We arrived at Carolina State Park Marina at 2 PM….nice, very nice.  The marina has been redone and the docks are magnificent.  Lots of walking trails and great scenery.  Brandy new docks and the marina just reopened yesterday!  What a find at $30 for the slip, electricity and water.  Panda is a happy camper and the bell of the ball at the dock with other cruisers stopping by to see her.  Definitely would not mind spending a few days here….perhaps on our way north next spring.  Tomorrow…off to Myrtle Beach!

November 20, 2010


Engine hours 1761

Wonderful out, but 46* at 6 AM

Water temp is about 59*

Carolina State Park to Myrtle Beach, SC

Today was a record…we were out of the marina by 6:30 AM with a very chilly start.  Still….no clouds and a wonderful morning.  Our 8 hour run today was filled with much to see along the ICW….lots of gorgeous, huge homes with dock upon dock along the way.  Our trek was very slow because of this and the slow speed we needed to run at, but whatever…what a great day.  Most of the run today was all no wake zones so we averaged about 6 kts…slow, very slow.  We pulled into Barefoot Landing, a favorite spot, at 2:00 PM.  Always, a helpful dock hand was ready to help tie us up.  By 3:00 we were off the boat for a walk around the outside shopping area for a stretch of the legs…much needed.  Barry stocked up on licorice and chocolate and we were on our way to Flying Fish for happy hour.  Wow!  What a find, suggested by the dock master Art!  Our boating friends need to come here.  Delicious apps…oysters! that were magnificent and sushi!  Drinks for $3.00!  There also was a silent auction happening…nice art to be had for those looking for something special.  We stuff ourselves to the gills…and once again the gorgeous tuna we had planned for dinner for the past two days remains in the fridge…now in the freezer! It will be there for another time.  Another suggestion from Art was TBonz for happy hour so we walked there to check it out….boring place but good Ahi Tuna app.  Flying Fish wins hands down!  Flying Fish…Flying Fish….definitely will visit that place another time.  We were back on the boat by 6:00…I am feeling like an old couple out for the “early bird specials.”  On the other hand…another early day tomorrow…so I guess all is well!  Next destination…..Charleston!  It will take a couple of days but we will get there!

November 21, 2010

Sunday…fun day…NOT!

1765 engine hours

Water temp 59*


Barefoot Landing to “I don’t know where”

Bad, bad!  We headed out at 8:30 toward Georgetown and hit a ledge pile about 10 miles south…so not a good thing!  The port prop is crying! We backtracked to Hague Marina for repairs and they are on the ball!  They will have us hauled and send the props for repair within a couple of days.  So I only thought NC had bumf*ck ville but I was sorely mistaken. This place is almost scary!  The docks are in big-time disrepair and can only hope the electrical hook up will not start a fire…I will send pics!  I am drinking!  Calling Kristi and Tony Prince to rescue us from hell.  Once we get pulled and towed back to the dock I would like to be out of here or have some company for the day tomorrow.  Barry headed up to the “office” that is now a trailer due to a fire in the real office…are you getting the picture?  He has been gone for an hour now and wondering if he has been abducted!  I am drinking! Okay, so Barry has returned from checking in!  The owner is wonderful and was a Trojan (our boat) dealer for many years so they had a very long conversation.  It turns out he is very nice and all should be good!  Espresso!  I need it!  I am never this frantic but today I am. If Barry is comfortable, I am… is a go!  We will be hauled in the morning and repairs made!  I still don’t know where we are…just for the record!

November 22, 2010


50’s and a bit chilly

Hague Marina

Myrtle Beach, SC

Finally, after an hour and half delay the guys at the marina got the travelift working…should I be worried?  It is old and rusty and I have never seen the likes of this at any other marina.  It did, in fact, get the job done and it must be safe because the staff motored under the boat to remove the props.  Larry, the prop repair man, showed up and

Larry whisked the props away to his shop where surgery will be performed, and even hoped to get them back to us later today…great service! Since he will have them repaired today we will remain hanging on the lift…a bit scary for me.  Barry, on the other hand, is outside cleaning…it figures!  When 3:30 finally rolled around we were advised the props were not totally repaired and we were put back into the water and towed back to our original spot.  Tomorrow is another day.  Tony and Kristi joined us soon after and we all jumped in the Denali and headed to town…a gorgeous town at that!  Upper crust stores lined the streets of this area just a few miles from the Godforsaken marina.  We ate at Gordon Biersch and enjoyed wonderful food along with the company of our good friends.  It was nice to catch up!  Tony and Kristi say we are still in Myrtle Beach…the marina just happens to be in a “not so nice area.”

November 23, 2010


Gorgeous day…Upper 70’s on the bridge

1772 engine hours

Water temp: 64*

$1500 for repairs!

Hague Marina to South Santee River, SC

We are up early, as is now our norm.  We were towed back to the travelift and we await the arrival of Larry and our props.  If all is said and done by 11:00 we will make a short run to Georgetown, SC and continue our move south.  George, the owner, rode over with us today and gave me a bit of an education!  There is a farm next lot over that has lions, tigers, and an elephant, Bubbles.  On occasion Bubbles will visit and roam the 165 acres of land the marina is part of…that would be a great sight to behold! Larry returned the props and they looked brand new.  They were installed and we were on the road again by 10:00 minus $1500!  Our approximate 50 mile cruise today was great other than one spot that dropped to 6 ft., even though the charts advised 12 ft. of water.  That made the hair on our necks stand up a bit…no more hitting anything! Our anchorage of choice for the evening is magnificent.  The sun is shining and fishing boats are cruising by us, probably with their catch of the day…nice ending to a wonderful day.  We even have internet!  Night all!

November 24, 2010


Chilly start, but heated up to 70*

St. John’s Yacht Harbor for fuel

$2.80 gal/168 gal

1781 engine hours

South Santee River to Tom Pointe River, SC

We starting today off with a bang!  Literally!  Barry thinks duck hunting season has opened, but it sounds more like a firing range.  As we headed out at 7:00 there were many small boats along the ICW with duck decoys floating by their boats that were hidden in the marsh.  Poor ducks!  It is simply beautiful today…70* and thankfully uneventful.  The way the boat is running is a bit of a disappointment to Barry as the performance is not as it used to be, but he will certainly get that rectified. Lots more dolphin sightings…and this is an everyday occurrence now…we just love watching them! It was fun passing through Charleston once again, but there is no stopping as we have miles to go and the need to be in Marco Island so we can catch a flight home for Christmas on 12/21.  Getting through the small Elliott Cut was a bit trying with 4 kt currents rushing through but we made it safely and headed to our bargain of the day marina for fuel. It was a long run today…75 miles and 9 hours.  Tom Pointe River…not such a wonderful spot as it is very narrow, but it is home for the night. We are tucked away for the evening and another long run tomorrow.

November 25, 2010

Turkey Day

1791 engine hours

Tom Pointe River, SC to Herb River, GA

On this gorgeous day of giving thanks we have much to be thankful for….great family, good friends and Sea Fox who brings us to our next destination each and every day.  No issues today, smooth cruising, shining sun, and warm temperatures.  It was 79* today, the seas very cooperative and the current running with us a good part of the day is always a plus for a nice push.  Ten hours and ninety miles later we settle in just south of Savannah to enjoy our Thanksgiving feast…double thick stuffed pork chops, roasted potatoes and butternut squash…and quite delectable, if I do say so myself. Herb River probably will not be a choice for us in the future…so much boat traffic flying by us even though this is a no wake zone. By 8:00 we were both zonked out on the couch!  Hope you all enjoyed your day~

November 26, 2010


Kinda crappy today – 78*

Water temp – 65*

1800 engine hours

Herb River to Jove Creek, GA

The forecast predicted a not-so-good day today and it is happening.  Cloudy and dismal, but still on the warm side.  We saw our first “slow speed for manatees” sign and I would love to see one, but I think it is a bit to chilly here.  I am sure they have also all moved south and we probably won’t get a glimpse of them till we are in warmer waters.  Alternator issues have now cropped up.  They do not seem to be doing their job in charging the batteries…what next?  I am sure MacGyver will consider the possibilites and rectify the problem…and it is only a matter of time. Getting through Little Mud River was a trip with skinny water, but worse was the Jove Creek anchorage at pretty much low tide…we saw 3’6” of water at the entrance and it was quite hairy…I am almost sorry I pushed to come to this spot. We will leave later in the morning to compensate for the tide, but that will also give Barry time to look at options as to why the batteries are not charging.  Total vastness today along out 85 mile/9 hour cruise!

November 27, 2010


Cloudy, but 68*

1806 engine hours

Jove River, GA to Fernandina Beach, FL

Today was a very short run.  We left Jove Creek at 10:00 to compensate for the tide…no hairy exits like yesterday’s entrance of 3.5 ft.  It was nice to sleep until 8:30 and have a big breakfast before departure time.  The cruise was uneventful.  We have discovered that the alternator will charge the batteries at a cruising speed of 16 kts so we may have to book it for a ½ hour or so to kick it in.  Afterwards….all is good….we will keep checking on MacGyver’s analogy of the situation, but he is probably correct…as always.  By 3 PM we were heading to shore and spreading our wings….ahhhhhhh!  I needed off the boat so badly.  We walked for a good hour or more…and even visited the Antique Market…love it!  I could furnish a house from that store…so much intriguing stuff there! Great apps at  Bretts…the marina restaurant…so huge they turned into dinner…that certainly works for me.  It was a great day and St. Augustine is next…another favorite of mine and we will spend a couple of days there!  Night all….till next week!

November 28, 2010


Great Day!

Warm and sunny in the 70’s

1813 engine hours

Fernandina to St. Augustine, FL

Oh my….how I love this place…I really love St. Augustine.  Our cruise today was brief….6 hours, and that is brief.  Uneventful all the way even with some shallow/skinny water…lots of dolphins, blue herons, and egrets were with us along the way.  We hooked up to a ball at City Marina at 2:30, did some cleaning of eisenglass…of course, and then dropped the dingy to get to town.  What a gorgeous view from where we are.  Having the opportunity to walk around again was a huge plus and we stopped at a sidewalk café and enjoyed a marvelous lamb burger and a cocktail!  I love this place!  Cobblestone streets and cafes galore!  Everything is decorated for Christmas….lights everywhere….and the town center trees are all aglow!  It has been a wonderful day.  The view from the boat…as I said is magnificent!  This is a spot we will revisit on our way north.

November 29, 2010


Beautiful day – low 70’s

Oyster Creek Marina

Fuel – 188 gal/$3.00

Slip fee – $78

Car rental – $35

St. Augustine, FL

Busy bees today…laundry, boat cleaning, shopping at Super Wallymart!  We rented a car from Enterprise and after the truck arrived to fuel the boat….that was a first, having a truck come to the dock to fuel the boat…we headed out to once again spend way too much money and trucked everything back to the boat like the Beverly Hillbillies. Hurricane Patty’s was rocking and the parking lot of full of patrons and looks like fun but we are too tired to head up there this time.  Long day…and early to bed as tomorrow we move on to Daytona Beach.  BTW…all of my notations as to what we spend is for our future reference…it is good to be able to check back and see what and where, especially fuel prices!  They are creeping up there.

November 30, 2010


70’s – party cloudy

1821 engine hours

St. Augustine to Daytona Beach, FL

We were up early so Barry could stop once again at Wallymart…we always think of something else we need…prior to returning the car.  Off and running by 9:00.  I glanced over to a boat farther up the dock while we were untying the boat to check out a woman having a beer and a cigarette for breakfast!  Just when you think you have seen it all! We traveled safely through the Matanzas Inlet even though we were advised to watch for shoaling…we were just fine. Windy weather today prevented us from getting off the boat and venturing to town. A long ride to town and getting soaked along the way would not have been a good thing Augh!  I so wanted to visit our favorite Greek restaurant, the Mediterranean Experience. Not a happening this time around. Panda has become a very defiant biotch.  Getting very spoiled, she wants nothing but to stand on Barry’s shoulder pecking at him and trying to remove his sunglasses. She refuses to return to her cage grasping on to him furiously and pecking away at him.  Today I thought she was going to get thrown out the window!  Bad girl, Panda…bad girl!  Otherwise, she is a happy bird as she loves to travel.  It is so funny to watch her watching everything going by, but gives us sort of a growl passing under bridges…this she is not keen on!  So we are back in our usual spot right in front of a mansion where the owner comes out and stands on his dock with his hands on hips….just staring at us…as if he owns the waterway….too bad for him.  All in all…a wonderful day and we are having delightful weather….shorts and tee shirts folks!

Categories: Ship's Log


Paula and I moved from New England in 2008 and are now retired and living in Florida. After selling my business in 2007, Paula and I lived on my 40 foot motor yacht, Sea Fox, full time for 9 years including 2 years in the Bahamas. Panda, my parrot for 45 years. has been with us the whole time with the exception of the Bahamas. I sold the boat in 2019 and we plan to tour the USA in a 35' class A motor home we call Sandy. We are flat towing a Honda CRV.