September 1, 2009


90* at 8:30


Sleeping last night was good until a pesky mosquito continued to chew on my body and annoy me.  I was up twice during the evening trying to kill the bugger.  I finally covered myself to keep him off me a got some decent sleep.  It was hot when we got up with no apparent breeze and no clouds to speak of.  Bike riding was not a happening in 90* weather, so we went to the pool instead.  With books in hand that we borrowed from the marina office we enjoyed a great morning and early afternoon by the pool until we could no longer escape from the sun moving from lounge to lounge.  Miraculously, the head pump had chosen to work today, but not for long as the perpetual pumping returned later in the day…we were so close!  The breeze also returned early afternoon and returning to the boat and sitting on the aft was great.  Cannot wait to get the sun shades which will really help to keep the sun off the aft, and it will be so comfortable to sit there anytime.

September 2, 2009


95* at 9:00

No bike ride this morning as we had hoped, as by 10:00 it was 98* and way too hot.  I ventured to the pool and embarked on another book…so not good.  We had lunch and decided to go biking as a huge cloud cover was masking the sun, but it turned into a torrential down pour that lasted for a good ½ hour.  When that was done we headed out to check out a bit more of Treasure Cay.  Treasure Cay Drive is lined with million dollar vacation homes.  But, even here there are more homes for sale than are being lived in.  When will this poor economy end?  The bike ride was great and when that was done we headed to the library…still closed… and the market for a few provisions for bread and pizza. The island’s electricity is down and we can hear generators running everywhere to compensate.  This morning there was also no running water at the marina…but par for the course.  Pizza is the fare for the evening.  The dough came together wonderfully.  I made 2 loaves of wheat bread and Barry got working on the pizza crust.  We are being very adventurous tonight.  We found a recipe in Cooking Light for a roasted beet, shallot and feta cheese pizza that received rave reviews…we shall know soon enough…but it is healthy as far as pizza goes.  AND, OMG….the pizza was like nothing you have ever tasted…so freaking good!  Who would have thunk!!!  We will certainly make this pizza again….try it and you will agree.  We sent a few pieces up to the bar for the few stragglers there and they totally enjoyed it also.  I finally introduced myself to Bill…the only other being on a boat sharing the marina with us.  After we devoured the remains of the pizza we headed to the bar to mingle with the few individuals there.  We met Darrell (aka, Roachey) who was a really nice guy.  Hopefully we can meet up with him again for fresh fish and lobster tails as fishing is one of his professions. He is also a carpenter, but need we discuss how that is going…not!  We gave him an open invitation to the boat and dinner…I think he will take us up on it and in return we shall feast on fresh fish and lobster…gotta work the crowd and make local friends!  All for now, folks… love to all and come visit!!!!  We have the entire island to ourselves!!!!  It is a good thing.

September 3, 2009


82* at 8:30

Wow, what a change in the weather.  It was delightful when we got up this morning.  Not sure, but perhaps the rain storm that came through during the night has a bit to do with that.  It really poured leaving puddles everywhere around the docks and at the marina.  This morning the skies are blue with puffy scattered clouds so it will probably end up being another hot one.  But, as the day progressed it was cloudy and somewhat cool for the remainder of the day. Roachey came by the boat and offered a variety of seafood salads prepared by his sister, so we choose the crab salad and had it for lunch.  My, my…quite good!  I headed over to take care of some laundry and Barry read on the aft.  Turns out the resort had some books for the taking so I borrowed a few to bring back to the boat.  None of the authors are recognizable…unfortunately no James Patterson or any others that we have become accustomed to reading.  The library was still closed when I checked, but was advised it would open at 2:00.  Maybe another day!  After dinner we headed to the bar to join the small crowd as it was pizza night.  Two couples appeared with a Harlequin Great Dane.  Squire was the size of a small pony!  And so cute and tame.  He was the main attraction at the bar.  It was a fun night.  Junior, one of the bartenders, heard about the pizza we had brought over…I guess it was a hit, as they were passing the word around that we had shared our fare the night before.  I told Junior I would make him pasta tomorrow night… preparing yet another feast.

September 4, 2009


82* at 9:00

Another cool morning.  It is amazing what 10* will do.  It is so pleasant, even with the sun out.  It is a beautiful morning for cooking.  I got the makings for spinach fettuccini prepared.  I am really having a good time making pasta and never thought it would be so simple.  Yesterday I checked out the hardware store to find that they had a food processor for $98. and a hand crank pasta extruder for $45.  I guess I will stick to the old way of doing it by hand.  The prices on things here are out of this world!  I also found a great recipe for turkey meatballs that will be a nice accompaniment to the pasta.  I wanted to make ciabatta bread, but the recipe calls for bread flour and that is not a happening in the market.  Too bad!  It would have been great to have a great slice of bread with our dinner tonight.  Later in the day another rain storm came thru driving the temp down to 73*, but that was only after it had risen to 90* by mid day.  I spent the entire day cooking…much fun…and dinner was so good.  Barry’s gravy, the pasta and meatballs were such a hit at the bar.  Even a local got in on the meal and when I returned to get the dishes even a couple visiting had tried to get in on the act but were too late. The visiting couple had eaten at the Spinnaker Restaurant at the marina and thought it was awful.  They offered to bring booze if I would cook for them tomorrow night…not!  Nice compliment though! Barry can just roll me home if we keep eating this way!

September 5, 2009


82* at 8:00 AM

100* by 10:00…what crazy weather!  More rain today, on and off all day.  Barry brought along a make-shift rain catcher and hooked that up trying to supplement the tank.  I can already see him running out each time a storm looks near…as, God forbid, he would never let it become a permanent fixture.  LOL! Too bad he had not rigged it up yesterday as the rain was intense.  We read pretty much all day switching our location from boat to pool…hey, someone has got to do it!  Another great day…love to all….until next time!

September 6, 2009


A glorious 77* at 7:00 AM

I had such a wonderful night’s sleep that I was up early enough to see the sunrise!  Beautiful, beautiful morning!  That, unfortunately, did not last too long as by 9:00 the temp had risen to 99*.  Barry and I headed to the pool where we sought out a bit of shade and coolness.  It was great until the heavens opened at around noon.  Torrential rain, lightening and thunder that made the boat vibrate.  The rain catcher was out there doing its job, although we will never know exactly how much rain had been accumulated.  After almost an hour of the fury the rain fall was steady and slow until 3:00.  Being so nice and cool at that point we headed out to discover the other side of Treasure Cay.  Since I had been by car with Eric going to his fish market I knew it was desolate, but still a nice ride and we did find Ocean Blvd that lines the Atlantic and all of its beautiful homes.  There certainly is some money here, even if it is due to foreigners.  Getting to the end of TC is about a 3 mile ride and between that round trip ride and the cruise along Ocean Blvd. it was enough for the day.  Another time we can explore what Cooper’s Town has to offer, but that will not be by bike as it is about 14 miles north of us.  I can only imagine more of the same desolate roadway between here and there.  We finished off the pasta and most of the meatballs…so good, but almost glad it is gone!  Now I need to turn to some slimming food!  Augh!  Great cool night…very refreshing at 77*.  Yeah!!!

September 7, 2009


Steamy and 90* again                                                                                                            

We slept in a bit…8:30…that is late for us.  We have a new neighbor!  Cannot believe it but someone else is doing the Bahamas in the fall just like us.  They (Stacey and Sam) go back and forth between Cape Canaveral and the Bahamas when they have time off.  Stacey is a pilot with Jet Blue!  Our favorite air line!  And, Sam a flight attendant with South West. They will be with us for about a week and then head north…nice people~!  Once a cloud cover hit I ran to the Laundromat to throw in a load, headed to the post office to mail a letter for Barry and headed back to the boat.  A very healthy lunch…a great salad!  Afterwards, it was off to the library…winter hours…Monday and Wednesday 3-5…that’s it!  We scooped up 4 great books…what a wonderful library!!! Tons of books, videos, and games abound all for the taking. For a mere $10 we applied for a membership that allows us access for a year. Then off to the market for the makings of black chicken and polenta for dinner!  Yummy!!!!  It was so freaking hot we could not even sit on the boat today…we headed to the pool for a bit of shade and any breeze that could be had.  Every day we feed our scraps of food to the fish “living” under the boat ; – ), and they are such scavengers, the likes of Sgt. Majors and another that looks similar to a grouper.  Tonight a barracuda joined in, but the regulars were not happy that he was there and literally herded him away from the boat and food.  Quite the sight to see as most fish shy away from barracudas.  Evidently they were not willing to share…and…that’s all for now folks!

September 8, 2009


Hot and still no breeze

After 3 days of intermittent rain storms the pool water was quite the mess in spite of the staff efforts to rectify the issues.  Today the pool water still is still green, and with the temp at 97* I think we shall be heading to beach for cover under a tiki hut, a swim in the ocean, and, if we are lucky, a wisp of a breeze.  The beach is way overdue as we have not been there for at least a week, due to the pool being so convenient…about 50 yards away from the boat!  So, we headed to the beach after lunch and it was the most wonderful afternoon.  There was a wonderful breeze that cooled down the heat.  The ocean temp is 85*, but still refreshing. Stacey, Sam, Barry and I are the only ones on the beach…to be expected.  We read the entire afternoon and before we knew it was 5:00, and dark clouds were off to our north.  We were able to get back to the boat, have dinner and close up prior to the rain dumping on us.  It was all good.  The fish below were very happy with the remains of dinner as well. Night to all!  Love to all!

September 9, 2009


A cool 81* @ 8:00, very nice

But, of course, by 10:00 it was 97*…no rain today.  We hooked up to the electricity and ran the AC for a wonderful afternoon of coolness and movies…it was a treat…but more like a tease.  Stacey and Sam departed today for Green Turtle and then they will be headed home before the cold front comes thru that is expected toward the weekend.  Just after they took off 2 other Sunsail rental boats pulled in and docked next to us…new neighbors for a bit and Australian.  Wonderful day in the neighborhood and with AC! 

September 10, 2009


72* @ noon

The marina lost power sometime during the night, which ultimately meant the AC stopped running and the initializing of the batteries ended.  Gotta love it!  It was still pretty cool when we got up at 8:00 so even without AC, all was well.  Very cloudy and rainy today, but 72* and no humidity.  We’ll take it!  One of the rental boats departed this morning leaving the other behind with just 2 women on it…strange…as they came in together and there was a mix of who was on each boat.  As the day went on the other boat returned…don’t know where they went but they are back.  We headed to the market for more pricey provisions once the rain ended…pizza was on the menu for the evening…along with calzones, and the pizza was yummy as usual.  Calzones will be had tomorrow.  We went to the bar to join the festivities for a bit and then back to the boat for a bit of boob tube and R & R for the rest of the evening.  A wonderful life!

September 11, 2009


Hot…no breeze

Barry’s condo closed today!  Wow…what a wonderful thing, and now if the buildings would just sell he would be an extremely happy camper!  I suppose they will…all in good time.

Just kind of a lazy day today, spending most of our time reading and constantly watching the staff trying to remedy the “green” pool.  There are still some tourists coming and going, and using the pool…OMG.  It seems today they brought in professionals to assist, but yet the water remains green even after throwing in buckets full of chlorine to try to shock it.  What a mess, and now that we don’t have the pool we really want it.  It would be wonderful to read by the pool and take an occasional dip to cool down.  We watch Mike come out of his office, stand by the pool and just shake his head.  A quick bike ride to the library was in order to switch out books and then off to Triple J to reserve a car for next Wednesday.  Renting on Wednesday will allow Barry to use the car to take me to the airport Thursday morning…saving us from a $30 cab ride. Unbelievable!  A Taurus or Avalon were our choices with the Avalon having the steering wheel on the right…Taurus it is.  It can be challenging enough driving on the left side of the road without changing the position of the steering wheel also.  We have been wanting to explore more of the island and having the car will give us the opportunity to do so, along with heading into Marsh Harbor to replenish supplies.  There is a Sav-A-Lot there that sells in bulk, I suppose similar to Sam’s Club, and we want to check it out.  Shopping here at the Golden Harvest makes us cringe.  A can of tuna is $2.59! Also Marsh Harbor has a nursery where I am hoping to buy more herbs as mine are now looking pretty sorry.  The parsley and rosemary have taken a turn for the worse, with only the chives having a happy face.  Two more boats pulled in today.  Redemption is a very large baby, at least 80’, and was put on a T dock. The other smaller boat more our size is 2 slips away and carries 3 couples.  I can only imagine very tight quarters on that boat.  We also noticed a posting by the bar that pizza can be had every night now.  Thursday is the only night the bar draws a crowd, both locals and tourists, and can only imagine they are trying to expand on that notion.  Quiet, but interesting day…love to all!

September 12, 2009


Hot, no breeze


No breeze, no rain, just overcast and humid.  The boats that pulled in yesterday departed early afternoon.  Also, all the tourists that flocked around the pool and bar have also gone home.  So far, we have not noticed anyone new coming in.  We continue to watch the plight of the pool dilemma.  What a mess!  At this point they should just drain it and start over.  We were approached by 3 locals selling lobster late this afternoon.  It would have been great to purchase them, but they wanted to sell us 50 for $100.  What would we do with 50 lobster tails and no freezing capacity?  We offered to buy 6 or so but they moved on to Enchanted, a nice 60 footer at the next dock, and he bought the load.  Sure, he has a freezer to accommodate 50 bugs.  Then, Roachey came by also looking to sell lobster tails and he can scale things down a bit for us.  We await his return with, hopefully, tomorrow night’s dinner and celebrate the sale of the condo….Yeah!!!  Just wonderful in the neighborhood!  Love to all.

September 13, 2009


Crazy weather day

We awoke to a wicked rain storm at 6:30 and closed up….but the rain had already drenched the aft deck.  It pretty much was overcast and crappy all day.  Once the rain ended around 11:00 we were still so engrossed in our books we had to pull away to get to the market for stuff for dinner.  At that point it was hot again, but once we returned to the boat the rain began again and we just settled in, each reading an entire book.  Roachey never showed up with our lobster tails, par for the course!  No problem we have pork chops ready to go.  Even with the rain, it was a great day….

September 14, 2009


Still hot and humid

Not much to do today, but try to stay cool.  Although, I did do laundry as my time here is coming to an end and I want Barry to be good to go while I am away.  We headed to the library around 4:00 and then the market to pick up some stuff for dinner.  Beef with mushrooms and other veggies in a wonderful sauce over noodles.  I am sure there is a name for it!…  Duh!

September 15, 2009


So hot again

I am trying to save the book I took from the library for the ride home, but have also read James Patterson’s, Against Medical Advise in a day…what a heart wrenching story and if you have not read it, it is a must read.   What a wonderful family and I thank God for the wonderful children (now adults) that I have.  It was the norm on the boat today…reading and relaxing.  Tomorrow is new adventure with the car and big plans to explore and provision the boat with good that will hopefully last a while…and that is all for now.

September 16, 2009


Another hot one

What a wonderful day!  We picked the piece of crap car up at 10:00 and headed to Marsh Harbour, spent a ton of money on necessities for us and the boat and then continued south.  Lots and lots of tree-lined roads hitting some spots that the guide book said would be great…some great…some not so.  At the very end of the island, Sandy Point, we stopped at Nancy’s Sea Side Inn for lunch…absolutely delish fried snapper and fries. Dolores was most accommodating.  As we started our reverse trip we stopped at the National Forest…what a trip.  It has been many moons since anyone has entered here and that was evident by the grass growing on the median of the one-lane road.  In some spots the grass was above the grill of the car!  That was an adventure which we ended once we had gone in about 3 miles.  This Forest was suppose to be filled with parrots and other wild birds of the Abacos…nada!  From there we headed back to Marsh Harbour to shop the nursery and Sav-A-Lot. The nursery was amazing; filled with everything from soil to lawn adornments.  Unfortunately, no herbs just yet, so we will have to get back there next month when their stock is replenished.  Sav-A-Lot was a much smaller version of a Sam’s Club or BJ’s, but we were able to pick up a lot of stuff at better prices than Golden Harvest at Treasure Cay.  We returned to the boat and dropped off our purchases and headed out again to head north on the island.  Again, more long, long straight roads, all tree-lined and desolate.  Each settlement we passed was only a few miles long with a scattering of houses along the way, and perhaps a gas station or variety store.  We did find the most beautiful spot at the most northern tip of the island, Fox Town, and stopped to grab some pictures of the sunset over the water…gorgeous spot.  We had been looking out for BJ’s Bar and Restaurant…another recommendation of the guide book for native fare.  On our way back to Treasure Cay we spotted it on the road side.  It was very dark inside but decided to visit anyway.  It was a combination bar with pool table and another small room with 3 tables.  Once we entered the lights went on and the dinning room A/C turned on to cool things off. The curtains hanging in the windows were from many days gone by and the tables were varied in archaic style.  The chairs were what we would use out on a patio…you know…the green plastic things.  We just laughed and took it in stride.  As it turns out dinner was magnificent…fried chicken and cracked lobster tails (fried) with rice, corn on the cob and salad…$10 and $12 respectively.  Let us not forget the drinks….a glass of ice filled with gin/vodka and a can of Schwepps to add to the booze was placed on the table.  Again, we just snickered…the owner apologized that she was not a bartender and did not know how to make a drink.  Another adventure at its best!  We headed back traveling the long dark road to Treasure Cay.  It was a long, but simply wonderful day….another great day in the neighborhood.  So much freaking fun!  Tomorrow I head home….wedding on the horizon!

September 18, 2009


Simply Gorgeous Day!

It was a perfect day for a wedding.  The weather was just right, and I enjoyed the cooler weather.  The wedding between my nephew, Steven, and, now my new neice, Jessica, was extraordinary!  Jessica and her court were simply beautiful and the groom and his groomsmen very, very handsome in their tails…right down to Steven’s  amusing “help me” message on the soles of his shoes!  It was a beautiful ceremony and then off to Crystal Lake for the reception via the Newport Trolley for the wedding party and several other family members.  Crystal Lake was quite the setting with many, many opportunities for pictures on the lake and golf course.  The seating cards hung from a tree erected by Steve (the dad, Steve) and Donna…what a different idea!!  Jessica comprised a wonderful slide show of Steven and herself from birth to present for their guests to enjoy…so cute!  The cocktail hour and apps were great. Dinner was delish…right down to the cupcake wedding cake built by Steve (the Dad, again) from tiered glass blocks filled with miniature lights.  There was also two chocolate fountains with accoutrements.  The band (sorry, cannot remember their name) was fabulous and kept us up on our feet (in flip flops that Donna and Trisha provided for everyone) all night long.  Neat bags were waiting to be filled from a candy bar chock full of delectable delights that was the wedding favor.  All in all it was a magnificent day….and ended all too soon, as most fun-filled days usually do.

The remainder of the weekend spent with family was great, including a get together at Michael and Stacey’s house to view slide shows of the wedding, and dinner at home on Sunday.

September 21, 2009


And, off I go back to the Bahamas to reunite with my honey and the heat.  Barry treated me to dinner at Spinnaker Restaurant here at the marina when I returned.  We very much enjoyed our steaks along with the rest of the meal, and now have no idea what others are talking about when they mention the food there is terrible.  We had nothing to complain about, including the price of the meal, as we now take the price of things here in stride.  It just is what it is and we accept the fact.

September 22, 2009



With the AC running Barry and I accomplished many tasks with the 50 pounds of parts brought back to Sea Fox.  The ice maker is now working again…YEAH!, new flags have been mounted as the others were deplorable, and the head pump…almost fixed.  Changing out the bellows was quite the feat and the pump still runs continually probably due to an “O” ring that had become disfigured.  The seal is just not right and MacGyver thinks that is why it will not create a vacuum to stop the pump from running.  We will try to acquire a new “O” ring, but that in itself is going to be yet another adventure.  He is thinking of another option to do a “jury rig” job, but we will search the hardware store here first.  The sunshade was a bit of a disappointment as the dimensions were not correct and they do not fit the windows of the aft completely.  We are working with our friend, Jack, from the company in China to rectify that situation….AUGH!  He has already been made aware of the situation and wants to work with us on replacements. There always has to be a glitch or two, right????

September 23, 2009


95* at 9:00 AM

We spent most of the day relaxing in the AC….Barry working on the computer with his and my investments….and me….back to reading, along with making homemade pasta since it was so nice a cool inside.  We ventured out for a short bike ride, but man-o-man it was so hot, and returned to the coolness of the cabin.  Great dinner and off to bed early.  Love to all till next time!

September 24, 2009


84* at 9:00 AM

Wow…pretty cool at 9:00 and a cloud cover kept things that way for most of the day.  We headed to the hardware store in search of “O” rings…nada, as expected.  Barry searched the internet and has found what he needs and they are being shipped to the marina via FedEx, along with an astronomical $68 shipping charge.  I can only hope that will be the only charge and time will tell if that is true.  From hardware store to Golden Harvest we accomplished our every other day marketing excursion, proving once again that chicken is our best bet.  After reading the afternoon away and dinner we settled in for a bit of NCIS on the boob tube, only to be “disturbed” by extremely loud music coming from the bar area as pizza night was going on.  I had to get up and check out the situation noting a conga line going around the pool.  To our amazement a Junkanoo band was visiting this evening.  We grabbed the camera and headed up to join in the festivities.  There had to be about 25 men donned in their extravagant, feathered head dresses playing music that always reminds me of Fleetwood Macs, “Tell Me That You Love Me” (or whatever the title really is) drum-pounding song.  They put on quite the show for a good half hour and then all was returned to normalcy.  Pizza night drew quite the crowd tonight…and yet we still do not know where everyone comes from every Thursday evening, as the marina and the condos still remain unoccupied.  Strange….very strange.

September 25, 2009


Beautiful morning

I was up very, very early this morning….just could not sleep.  I spent a good part of the early morning checking email, blogging, and playing on Face Book….how pathetic!  Barry, on the other hand, sleeps peacefully!  Good for him!  We finally rigged the wind scoop to the hatch…with some finagling after it collapsed a couple of times. One more item brought from home, suggested by our friend Randall. Keep those suggestions coming, Randall, as you have done well so far!  He has so many good ideas!  It works great, directing the breeze right into the forward cabin!  Yes!  We also took care of snapping pictures of the sunshades and sent them off to Jack to see how he can help us out with replacements…the ones we have just are not making the grade.  Relaxing at the end of the day by the pool was wonderful.  There has been a cool breeze all day and early evening even better.  Things are looking up, weather wise!

September 26, 2009


Hot and sunny 90’s

The marina has called in the troops for the pool, finally!  It has been a long, hard battle.  They have finally hired a professional team to remedy the problems and they were there in full force this morning cluing Mike, the manager, in on the dos and don’ts of pool maintenance.  Sometimes you just have to leave it to the professionals.  It is pretty much crystal clear this morning and we have been told by Monday it will be pristine.  Yeah!  I can swim again.  I also heard from Jack regarding the shades and he is making up two new ones and shipping them out early next week, completely free of charge.  Wow, that was easy! Good man!  If anyone needs any kind of sunshade, he is your man.  Absolutely wonderful to work with, and the quality of the material used…superior stuff!  Okay…heading to the pool!  Love to all.

September 27, 2009



It may be 90+ but there is a cool breeze.  Ahhhh…this is what I remember the Bahamas being like!  Yesterday was the same and I can only hope this is the weather coming down the road.  Our Sunday ritual of Blood Mary’s,  R & R by the pool with our books, a grueling game of Upwords and lobster tails that Roachey finally brought us last evening made for an extremely wonderful day!  Yes!!!

September 28, 2009


The heat is on!

Well, so much for that cool breeze.  An overcast morning gave me the opportunity to get laundry done…someone’s gotta do it.  By the time that was complete…fighting with a washer that did not cooperate, the sun was back out and it became very hot, very quickly. Visited a bit with Capt. Forty, Florence, and Eric.  Capt. Forty says a cold front is coming thru, but he cannot convince me just yet.  We shall wait for that!  Hanging by the pool with a book and an occasional dip cured the heat problem.  The day just flew by.  Love to all!

September 29, 2009


Another hot one in the 90’s

So, Roachey’s friend, Ray, came by today offering crab claws.  Barry bought 5 lbs and we had them for dinner…They had previously been frozen, but sooooo good.   The day was spent by the pool reading and dipping…quite nice!  I am now attempting Ciabatta bread and can only hope for the best.  I would love a good loaf of Italian bread!  I miss it so much. What a process it is…first making the “biga” or sponge that needs to proof for 24 hours before actually making the bread.  That in itself is another long process. We shall see what I have tomorrow, and if this fails I have an easier recipe….not as crusty, but perhaps still good. All is fine!  Night to all!

September 30, 2009


Oh, so hot

I spent a good part of the morning playing with Picassa and attempting to send pictures so they are not a pain to open…such as Jpeg files.  I simply amaze myself sometimes!  It worked and I hope everyone enjoyed our newest shots.  Not sure I can do it again, easily, but will certainly continue to try.  FedEx showed up this morning with the “O” rings for the head pump.  Now we need to decide when we would like to sweat our butts off changing them…it has to be done! At 1:30 we took the plunge…or I should say Barry did.  I am the spotlight holder…hey, hey someone has to do it!  So, after much ado….MacGyver still thinks things are not okay with the head pump…AUGH!  Such a pessimist all of a sudden.  He’s got something curing in there (some kind of “O” ring maker stuff) and I can only hope it does the trick.  He spent a couple of grueling hours sweating and swearing (yes, on occasion he swears) trying to make repairs, but does not think it did the trick.  We shall find out tomorrow once the curing process is complete.  Next step would be to buy an entire new pump…that sucks!  We had a brief shower during the fix, but it did not cool things off…still very sultry.  We hit the market and liquor store and then settled in for dinner and some well deserved R & R after the head labor of love. 

Categories: Ship's Log


Paula and I moved from New England in 2008 and are now retired and living in Florida. After selling my business in 2007, Paula and I lived on my 40 foot motor yacht, Sea Fox, full time for 9 years including 2 years in the Bahamas. Panda, my parrot for 45 years. has been with us the whole time with the exception of the Bahamas. I sold the boat in 2019 and we plan to tour the USA in a 35' class A motor home we call Sandy. We are flat towing a Honda CRV.