May 1, 2010


Hot and sunny once again

This morning Barry reserved a car for Monday so we can cruise the main island of Eleuthra.  We have done this before, but not John and Roberta.  I am excited to go see our friends we made last year at da spott and the Internet Café.  The Glass Window is also another great thing to view as we drive along the highway.  Roberta and John headed to the beach…Barry stayed on the boat, and I ventured out for a walk…that turned into a very long 3 hour walk.  It was good.  I was able to browse the shops, and see parts of the town that many probably would never see by, not quite getting lost but, not quite knowing where I was going.  The water was always there as a reference point and one really cannot get “lost” on this island.  Talking to some of the shop owners was very interesting.  They are all very interested in how we came to be here, how long we will be here and how we find their culture and habits.  The expense of living on the island is always a bone of contention.  They too suffer the high price of items as they are shopping where we shop for food.  One shop owner told me it is not unusual for tourists coming for a week or so to bring their own food from the US…”you see those big bags they are carrying…it is food for them for the week so they don’t have to shop here.”  Roberta and John returned from the beach around 4:00 to announce they had a wonderful day sitting in the sand of the pink beach because renting a chair was $40/per chair!  Can you imagine???  I can only assume it is the rich and famous that buy into that deal.  John also swam out to the reef only to find 95% of it dead.  How sad and probably due to everyone touching and groping…just what should not be done!  Reservations were made for Tuesday night for dinner at Rockhouse which is one of the most exclusive dinning spots on the island…what a treat!  More on that Tuesday!  Love to all from the happy campers!

May 2, 2010


Guess what?  Warm and sunny again!

Harbour Island

Another beautiful day and after hanging for the morning we all headed to Romora Bay Marina for lunch and then, of course, a long walk.  Lunch was great, as was the walk.  Most places were closed…a day of rest for the locals and their businesses.  Tonight was that delicious tuna we bought as sushi…melt in your mouth wonderful.  We are excited for our car adventure tomorrow…so early to bed!

May 3, 2010


Hot and sunny

Main land Eleuthra

We were up and out by 8:00 and took the water taxi to the mainland.  Wendell, the car rental guy, was busy with another client so we waited and waited…finally his wife Laura picked us up and brought us to the car….a beat up Malibu…and pretty much what we expected.  The tires were bald, transmission iffy, windows slid down on their own and AC barely working.  John and Roberta were also getting bitten by bugs of some sort and we had to stop and buy bug spray…you have to laugh or you will cry!  It is what it is and more than not this is what you get for $70/day so we were not surprised.  We traveled south through town after town of pretty much nothing.  Just the way Barry and I remembered things from last year.  We stopped in Rock Sound at the 4 Pointe Marina and Restaurant for lunch. We still have no idea where the marina might be, as there is none…but the owner of the restaurant, a very young entrepreneur Devon, has worked a deal with Princess Cruise Line to have passengers bused there for lunch. He continues to work his butt off to make his business a success…good for him.  Another building is being constructed on the property and is almost completed.  Such a change since last year when we were here.  Lunch was good but as soon as the crowd from the cruise ship piled in for their buffet we headed out.  Back in the car we headed farther south to the tip of the island…still not much to see.  A small marina with very nice protection in the little harbor was about it.  Then it was north again with a stop at Governor’s Harbour for a quick drink then on to Hatchet Bay and da spott.  Kennedy welcomed us with open arms and our bartender Robert who was off for the day was called by Kennedy and he came and visited with us for quite a while.  Kennedy presented me with his garb from the last Junkanoo and also gave Roberta a hat…too funny…we will send pics.  It was much fun, but time to move on and return the car by 8:00.  We were back at Valentines Marina in no time and enjoyed a late dinner on the deck…very, very enjoyable day!

May 4, 2010


Warm and sunny

Nice breeze

Roberta and I headed out for a walk and a bit of shopping, John headed to the beach, and Barry got stuff done on the internet.  Our big thing of the day was dinner at Rock House. (  Dinner…marvelous!  Pricey as all get out, but still so good and a wonderful treat..  Sumptuous lamb chops, pork tenderloin and sea bass were enjoyed along with apps that were almost as much as our main courses, and of course dessert.  All of this enjoyed out on the terrace with an ocean view.  It was a most delightful evening…food and company- wise!

May 5, 2010


93*, no breeze

Today was a day to provision the bar.  There will be no booze in Spanish Wells.  We also hit Bob’s Seafood and bought lobster and fish for tonight’s dinner.  John and Roberta have decided to move on, but we need to stay a bit longer to have the boat bottom painted.  R&B Boatyard in Spanish Wells gave us a great price so we will remain.  Our last supper with great friends this evening…but we will not say good-bye as we will meet up again in Abaco in the near future.

May 6, 2010


Hot again

As summer approaches the days are getting hotter and hotter.  The seas are very calm and barely a breeze. The fan has emerged once again to cool us off.  We said “see-you-later” to John and Roberta as R&B can accommodate us Monday.  There was no thought at all given to where we would remain until then…Harbour Island won hands down.  Lots of stuff done on the boat today…not bad at all working with fan following me around!

May 7, 2010


93* and hot

Water temp 83*

Beautiful day!

The seas continue to be dead calm and a very good thing. We spent a good portion of the day on the boat enjoying use of the internet, but did manage to get off and purchase yet more spirits and steak and chicken from Cap’n Bob.  We also hit the deli for greens and back to the boat…it was very hot in town…no breeze…working our way north is big on my mind.  Spanish Wells and an air conditioned apartment is not sounding so bad right about not either…that along with laundry facilities and I will be a very happy camper.

May 8, 2010



Gorgeous day!

Very hot, but beautiful.  We received confirmation from R& B Boatyard that we can be hauled on Monday so Barry made arrangements with Bandit (Jock Morgan) to bring us back thru the Devil’s Backbone to Spanish Wells.  There we will grab a mooring for the day and head to R&B in the morning.

May 9, 2010


1536 Engine hours


Spanish Wells

Happy Mother’s Day!

Bandit swung by at 8:30 and hopped on board Sea Fox for our cruise thru the Backbone.  There are 4 other boats ahead of us doing the same thing. Our trek was uneventful as expected.  Tomorrow promises some high winds so everyone is planning accordingly to get to where they need to be before the next blow.  It is already so hot and there is no breeze to be had…I am almost looking forward to the winds, and I would not dare to swim in this harbor due to the obvious dumping from boats in the area…they certainly need pump out stations here in the Bahamas.  Jock’s take on the dead coral reefs is that the sea urchins leave the reef and the algae ultimately ends up suffocating the coral…and until the black urchins return to eat the algae they will not revive.  He also said that once the urchins to return it does not take long for the reefs to start getting healthy again…interesting. 

May 10, 2010




Finally by 4:30 the boat was hauled and power washing began.  Unlike at home and using straps Sea Fox was lifted out of the water on a platform with Robert diving under the boat and positioning blocks and the stands for it to rest on.  We made our final move of items to the apartment along with every pieces of laundry I could strip from the boat as there is a washer and dryer in the unit!  Such simple pleasures!  Dinner out at Norma’s Take Away was good…especially with our view of the sunset off the beach.  A cruise around the island after dinner exposed parts of the island we never knew existed…very, very nice.

May 11, 2010



Gorgeous day

No humidity and a nice breeze today.  Yesterday as we were cruising we came upon a fisherman, Borden Higgs, and his son Dakota, on the docks with the most amazing display of shells that he was cleaning.  This was his find from a recent diving excursion and he will clean and cut and file these gorgeous shells into jewelry.  We were taken to his home where he performs this task.  His garage and a shed are completely busting out all over with container after container of conch, trumpet and various other shells…of which he knows each name.  His gems are simply beautiful and each one was a painstaking labor of love for him.  We attempted to purchase a trumpet shell, but our request was declined as one large shell will afford many, many pieces of jewelry, but he did present Barry with another smaller, very nice shell that can be made into a horn.  We gladly accepted.  We also cruised Russell Island today along Vivien Pinder Avenue…yep…named after Old Pot.  Russell Island has lots of hills and at the top of these hills a view of the ocean that was spectacular.  Many goats…all looking for a bite to eat, also inhabit the island.  They are not wild, but belong to the residents…yet they line the fences along the roads waiting for a passerby to feed them…so cute!

May 12, 2010


80’s and breezy

Somewhat of a laid back day today…I shopped the shops, Barry read, lunch…it was a good day…tomorrow will be busy.

May 13, 2010



Today Sea Fox enters the water once again.  Very busy morning shopping, laundry emptying out the apartment and getting ready to be lowered into the water once again.  I am glad to be leaving the apartment as for whatever reason I suffered headaches every day we were there…it is a mystery!  We also went to Yacht Haven Marina to use the book swap and were informed, sadly by June, that Old Pot had passed away during his open heart surgery.  What a shame…he was a man that enjoyed life and expressed to us how he was having surgery so he could continue enjoying the life he loved.  By 4:30 Sea Fox was back in the water and arrangements were made with Pinder’s Market to tie up to their dock for the evening.  In the morning we will top off fuel from them and be on our way with our sights headed north.  For the next few days internet will probably be nill…Augh!  I hate when that happens.

May 14, 2010



Fuel: $4.37/gal + 5%

150/gal $650.

Bottom painting and waxing $3329.20

Royal Island

After fueling up we made our way over to Royal Island where we spent a lazy day reading, playing cards, etc. in anticipation of our cross over to Abaco tomorrow.  Right now it is still very windy and can only hope things will calm down by tomorrow.  The boat is so dirty after the painting due to sanding…she is going to need such a bath!

May 15, 2010


Upper 80’s

1540 engine hours

Lynyard Cay, Abaco

We said good-bye to Eleuthra and hello to Abaco today!

Such a dilemma as to whether we should stay or leave.  NOAA and Weather Wx had somewhat conflicting reports of wind and seas.  Bottom line was the wind and seas both out of the east were a happening for the next couple of days.  Then a cold front comes through and there would be no opportunity to travel again for almost another week.  NOT!  It was time to move on so we forged ahead.  Did we have fun? No!  Did we have a smooth cruise? No! Did it suck big time? Yes! With winds 10-15 and 4 foot seas, both from the east, slamming us broadside on the starboard was quite the adventure.  My thoughts of showering and stitching some eisen glass that had come apart went out the window…along with thoughts of anything else for the next few hours.  The first hour…not so bad, but the last three were awful.  Even I who never gets sea sick was nauseous the entire time. Our time was bad, bad, bad…Barry even had to rescue the dinghy from trying to escape twice and when we finally ended our travels the cabin was wet in too many places to even imagine.  The waves were up over the bow and into the bridge to the point where we had to close the bridge window and that made things very hot!  We did travel fast, but that did not help much…although it cut our trip in half…a very good thing.  Entering the cut to Lynyard Cay was hairy…to say the least.  The waves and surge coming through the cut were some of the worst we have ever seen, but as usual I had no doubt Barry would get us through safely…and he did!  The remainder of the day was spent cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning.  We are exhausted…what a day!

May 16, 2010



Water temp 77*

1544 engine hours

Guana Cay

Yes, yes, yes!!  This is more like it…it was a wonderful cruise to Guana Cay!  We settled in around noon and by 1:30 we headed over to Grabbers!  Boy, oh boy….one of my favorite places.  It was a wonderful afternoon of a great lunch, good live music from Stone and just people watching.  I am glad to be back in Abaco and enjoying ourselves once again!  Unfortunately, a 50 footer ran aground…my, my…the captain was not watching the charts…for sure!  I feel so badly for them.. Dive Guana tried to help them off to no avail…they will have to wait for high tide at about 11:00 pm…

May 17, 2010


Hot once again

Guana Cay

We have decided to spend another day here…just relaxing.  It was a wonderful day…we headed to town late afternoon for a bit of a walk and picked up some groceries. Tomorrow we will head out with thoughts of lunch at Bakers Bay and then landing in Green Turtle.  Hopefully John and Roberta will still be there and we can reunite!  Love it here!!!  Will miss being here!!!  And love to all! 

May 18, 2010


Upper 80’s

Engine hours 1550

The heat is on!

Bakers Bay to Green Turtle Cay

As summer approaches the weather continues hot, humid and always a chance of thunderstorms.  Today is no different…no breeze at all.  We made our way over to Bakers Bay…this little gem, slice of heaven, and diamond in the rough at Guana Cay.  Oh my word this would be the place to drop a few mill if one had it to spare.  Gorgeous stone work along the walks and entrances to grand residences.  Bakers Bay will, not too far down the road, be a very nice, self-contained, community for the rich and famous including a golf course, market, snack shop, gym and a very beautiful pool area and Jacuzzi. We enjoyed a tour of one of the condo units by the sales rep, Craig, (gorgeous, gorgeous unit) and then a great lunch.  So, to our cruiser friends…make Bakers Bay a stop for the day or even overnight…the marina was very accommodating as we tied up in a slip for the afternoon. Visitors are always welcomed.  After our grand afternoon we headed on to Green Turtle and anchored in White Sound.  Not a breath of air to be found and can only hope it will cool off a bit during the evening and into the morning…still, as usual, quite lovely here.

May 19, 2010



Water temp 83*

White Sound, Green Turtle

The day started out lovely and then turned dark.  The clouds rolled in by noon and it rained on and off all afternoon and into the night and Sea Fox got a great bath.  Our plans to head over to Green Turtle Club to enjoy Brown Tip and his band were squashed.  Our day turned out to be very lazy but Barry was able to do much research in the way of possibilities for us to travel home.  Bottom line…I think we are flying home and driving my car back to MD once we settle in at Solomon’s Island and the marina.  This will give us a way to get around the spectacular area of the Chesapeake and the Potomac…so many wonderful places there to explore both by boat and car.

May 20, 2010



Water 80*

Fuel at Bluff House

143 gal/$3.99 + 5% = $600

1554 Engine hours at days end

Green Turtle to Moraine Cay

We have a plan and our next stop on our way home…Moraine Cay where the snorkeling is claimed to be spectacular.  Barry found a squid in the water that had accumulated in the dinghy yesterday…dead.  The only possible way it could have gotten in the dinghy would have been for a bird to drop it there.  It was put in a baggie in the fridge with hopes of using it for fishing…buy whom I am not sure, but nonetheless it is there.  Our 4 ½ hour cruise to Moraine was uneventful, calm and beautiful with two dolphins traveling along our starboard.  Turtles and flying fish also entertained us along the way. We have found that we are now coming upon cormorants and pelicans; a sure indication Florida is not to far away.  Although, I feel like we are back in the Exumas as there is nothing here but small uninhabited islands and crystal clear water.  The sea floor can be seen at 20 feet…amazing!  Moraine lies about 7 miles north of the tip of Little Abaco…that and Fox Town, the most western settlement of the island, can be seen across the way from where we anchored in grass, grass, grass.  The grassy anchorage is a terrible thing, but there are no other options.  There are several small homes on Moraine, which is a private island.  They also built a very nice small harbor and dock for themselves.  One can only surmise this is a family compound of which no one is visiting at the time. Not a bad place to hang for a week or so of seclusion.  We took a dip and Barry checked the anchor…not bad, not great, but it will be okay as there is no wind to speak of.  He also checked out the paint job…so bad, in so many ways!  The struts, trim tabs and rudders are all void of paint!  It is quite obvious that these parts of the boat were not primed and the paint has just fallen off.  Upon closer inspection he has found that the paint can just be very easily peeled off and there is no primer beyond that!  What an awful discovery and he will contact R&B Boatyard to see what can be done to rectify this sorry situation.  On a lighter note, a large purple fan and several sea biscuits have been added to my growing collection via Barry. Very nice, very nice! We hopped in the dinghy to cruise around the reefs that we will snorkel tomorrow…well, well…we are back in Exuma!  The reef is quite large and from the dinghy we can see what a wonderful snorkel it is going to be. There are several of them scattered all around the area, and they are profuse with coral, fans, and fish….cannot wait to get in and snoop around.

May 21, 2010


Upper 80’s

Fierce current!…check it out!

Another wonderful day in the neighborhood minus the paint issues and now the current.  We were alone here when we first arrived but a small (maybe 25’) runabout pulled in and joined us.  We thought they were here for an early evening of fishing last night, but we awakened to find them still here.  Four of them on a small boat! Overnight! No cabin! Quite adventurous! And, by 10:30…gone!  We ventured out at noon to snorkel…and, pretty much not a happening!  We should have done it yesterday when there was no current because today we were being whipped around big time.  Too bad because what we did manage to see was fabulous.  Lots and lots of coral and fans along with many different species of fish.  The current really put a damper on things. We moved to the other side of the island where there was not so much rip and I did manage to do some shelling. I picked up a few nice pieces on the beach while being tormented by horse flies…they are relentless to say the least!  Barry snorkeled off the beach and saw a few more fish and a few barracudas.  Heading back to the boat and as we rounded the tip of the island we spotted a fawn peering at us at from the bushes along the bank…so cute, cute, cute! Where there is one there has to be others and the first thing that comes to mind is where do they get drinking water??  It has to be there or they would not!  Back at Sea Fox the current was severe and we found that we were dragging a bit so we back tracked a bit to Allans-Pensacola Cay.  It is not out of our way as we would have had go get back here to move ahead to avoid some shallows. So, coming here shaved about 5 miles off tomorrow’s trip.  Not as pretty as Moraine, but still very nice and we are sharing company with 4 other boats.  The current… subdued and it is a pleasant spot to hang for the evening.  Two calls to R&B Boatyard not answered, but pretty much the norm for Robert, the owner, as he pretty much never answers his phone or returns calls…you just have to catch him.  Barry will continue his mission and I am sure will prevail.  Love to all!

May 22, 2010


Upper 80’s

Beautiful day

Today Barry finally spoke with Bruce from R&B…Robert is on a cruise for his 25th wedding anniversary.  He was assured the errors will be rectified and Barry is now relieved.  We will have the work done in Florida and R&B will make good for it.  Around 1:00 we headed over for Fox Town…keeping in fare winds and following seas.  It was a  very nice ride considering the winds were at 15 kts and seas at 4 ft.  We debated on even putting the dingy down but did and headed to shore about ¾ mile away with hopes of picking up fruits and veggies.  Nothing to be had but Cheetos and more snacks for Barry.  We wandered over to Da Valley…aka The Valley Restaurant and met the proprietor, Ronald Russell.  We started out with a drink and more drinks that lead to the best cracked conch we have had!  Truly the best…very light and tasty…I watched her pound the suckers to death and it was amazing. While there we were approached by a local with a beautiful conch pearl…asking price $900…a bit out of our price range! Ronald has an in with the owner of Moraine Cay…who would have guessed???  The island is for sale for a mere $3 mill…that Barry thinks is a steal…perhaps??  The fawn that we thought we saw was a goat…can you believe it???  Ronald brought two of them there and goes on a weekly basis to supply water to them.  They are, for sure, the mowers of the island and keep the vegetation down. Moraine Cay is a wonderful spot and has very good possibilities…I think…not for us as pretty as it is.  They have 6 gents inhabiting the island in a couple of weeks for $1800/wk and I am sure they will have a spectacular time!  All said, it still needs an R/O system that it does not have…they collect rain water at present to the tune of 7 thousand gallons…very impressive and that accommodates two of the houses on the island.  It was a bit of a wet ride back to Sea Fox, but the day we encountered was well worth the wet ride back.

May 23, 2010



Water temp 84*

Engine hours 1566

Fuel at Old Bahama Bay Marina

139 gal/$3.99

Slip fee…$3.05/ft

$720 total!

It was an absolutely wonderful ride today from Fox Town…our intention was to stop at Great Sale Cay for the night, but by the time we got there the seas were so cooperative that we moved ahead.  We had thoughts of moving on to the point of crossing over the gulf but backed off on that idea.  We could have done it, but tomorrow it is suppose to be even better so we will hold off.  We cranked the engines once we hit Great Sale Cay and cruised at 16 kts and on to West End….what a gorgeous freaking day!  Old Bahama Bay Marina is beautiful…quite the place.  The slip fee…astronomical at $3.05/ft and mandatory water of $15/per day, but there are no other options here.  Whatever…and it is only for one night.  We scored some conch from local fisherman and threw them in the freezer for another time.  A walk around the property was very nice…one could spend a very tranquil week here will no problem.  US…here we come!

May 24, 2010



Water 86*

Engine hours 1569

Lake Worth, FL

We were up and heading east by 7 AM.  Nice ride home, not as smooth as yesterday, but nonetheless very nice and only 3 ½ hours.  We made great time and were at the entrance to Lake Worth by 10:30.  Hello USA!  We travelled the intracoastal to the anchorage in Lake Worth and called immigration…with the hopes of not being boarded even though we got rid of all the no-no’s that were not suppose to be brought back minus the plants.  When all was said and done it was just Barry and I that had to go to immigration and we were in and out of there within 20 minutes.  It did include us bringing the boat back south about 5 miles and tying up at a Riviera Beach Marina for a bit, but they were very kind and helpful and had no issues with what we needed to do.  After re-anchoring from where we were originally it was nearing 4:00 and a trip to Publix was necessary.  We needed to replenish everything that went overboard on our way home.  We never found Carmine’s that Roberta and Laura spoke of but at Publix and $75 later the fridge is chock full of goodies…yummy asparagus, broccoli rabe, corn on the cob, fruit, coffee creamer!!!  And on and on…I was like a kid in a candy store.  It was a long day and we are exhausted.  Next on the agenda is to get to a marina for a couple of days to give the Fox a really, really good bath and to get the painting done…all in good time!

May 25, 2010



Wow…it is hot, but cleaning needed to be done and lots accomplished along with lots of computer/printer issues rectified….it was a day of work…yes, there are those on Sea Fox.

May 26, 2010



1572 Engine hours

Jensen Beach, FL

We were up early and off to Carmine’s Gourmet Market by 8:00 before the sun came screaming down upon us.  A quick stop off at Kevin’s Deli so Barry could have a scrumptious bagel and lox…yummy…the into the infamous Carmine’s just down the row.  It actually was better than Roma on Federal Hill in Providence…bigger…more to choose from and I could work there!!  Delectable delights!  Gorgeous steaks, clams, fresh pasta, cheese, olives and more veggies all thrown into the cart along with a wonderful bottle of pinot noir!  Ask me if I am a happy camper???  The answer would be a big yes!  We hurried back to the boat and set out at 11:00 with our sights set on a 30 mile day of cruising.  By 3:00 we were settled in at Jensen Beach and will spend the night here.  Along the way there were many egret, heron, and osprey.  The osprey had many nests situated in trees along the way, and the silly pelicans always amuse us with their diving techniques. Nice cruise!  Tomorrow, Vero Beach and more shopping.  I am glad to be back in the US!!!

May 27, 2010



Ft. Pierce City Marina

Fuel 153 gal/$432.00

Engine hours 1576

Vero Beach City Marina

We were up and off at 8:00 am and even with a stop for fuel we still arrived at 12:30 pm grabbed a mooring ball and were waiting for the bus at 1:00 pm.  West Marine, Lowes and Bells were our stops for the day and then back to the marina for laundry duty.  All was said and done by 7:00….it was a long day, but much accomplished.  Tomorrow, we have our sights set on Cape Canaveral.  Along our way there were several dolphin sights…very nice!

May 28, 2010


90*…low humidity

Engine hours 1583


Barry checked out possible anchorages at Cape Canaveral and they pretty much sucked unless we went 5 miles out of our way…and we really did not want to do that.  Perusing the guide book led us to Cocoa.  It was a 6 hour journey and the ICW was hopping today.  Lots of fish jumping and a few dolphin sightings.  The breeze was delightful and we dropped anchor right in the harbor near the old village of Cocoa.  We headed in around 4 to check out the surroundings and it was very nice.  A beautiful park and a couple of blocks chock full of stores including antiques, clothes and many, many restaurants.  One great stop was Of Olives and Grapes where we scooped up a couple bottles of magnificent olive oil (traditional and sesame) and one of balsamic.  They pushed tasting everything you could purchase and it was great!  It is always nice to get a sample of what you are buying.  These are “special” and will be savored…very, very yummy!  The clerk suggested a few places for dinner and since Barry was craving pizza we headed for Ryan’s, one of her choices.  Sorry, but not a good choice…paper thin pizza than fell over when picked up…thankfully it was noticed before ordering so we passed.  A great glass of wine and some bad, bad apps of fried shrimp and fried veggies turned out to be dinner…wish I just settled for the wine!  Whatever….tomorrow’s choices will definitely be better.  We are moving on…just not quite sure where at this time.  Love to all!

May 29, 2010



Water temp 85*

Engine hours 1586

Daytona Beach

We headed out at 8:30 leaving Cocoa behind.  Daytona was our destination today.  The beginning of our travels were uneventful but as we approached, and went through, Overhaul Canal there was an amazing family of manatees…3 of them…right at the surface and they were cuddling!  It was quite a wonderful sight to see. Lots and lots of dolphins playing around also…we were entertained for quite a while. Barry managed to catch a show from a pelican fishing right at the bow of the boat and he almost flew into the bridge window.  Lots of coppers, sheriffs and coast guard out today…pulling over and checking smaller boats that were cruising and out for a day of pleasure on this wonderful long weekend.  Every maniac that could have been on the ICW was out today. We actually saw a couple of boats tubing in the canal…what is wrong with some people???  I am glad we decided to go the 66 miles to Daytona and avoid another crazy day tomorrow.  We anchored in a Manatee/no wake zone just across from the municipal marina and it is simply lovely here.  Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!  Love to all!

May 30, 2010


Warm and cloudy 82*

Daytona Beach

So we headed out to discover, again.  After cruising through West Marine we headed to Beach St. which is one of the main drags here nearby the marina.  After a long walk we ended up on Beach Street and had a wonderful late lunch at Mediterranean Experience.  Oh my, what yummy food…we may have to come here again tomorrow!  Although Super Walmart is needed so we will also try to get info on the bus service…we saw several pass by as we enjoyed our lunch out on the sidewalk.  It was a great day!

May 31, 2010


Hot, but cloudy

We hit Walmart today!  Bought out the store…somewhat forgetting that we had to get it back to the boat!  We managed…as everything we bought was a necessity…especially the food!  The evening brought a substantial thunder storm and Barry sat vigil with the boat…I went to bed!  Much too late for me, but the rain gave Sea Fox a great washing.  The thunder was everywhere and very active!  By 1:30 am it was over…see why it was too late for me???

Categories: Ship's Log


Paula and I moved from New England in 2008 and are now retired and living in Florida. After selling my business in 2007, Paula and I lived on my 40 foot motor yacht, Sea Fox, full time for 9 years including 2 years in the Bahamas. Panda, my parrot for 45 years. has been with us the whole time with the exception of the Bahamas. I sold the boat in 2019 and we plan to tour the USA in a 35' class A motor home we call Sandy. We are flat towing a Honda CRV.